Sustainable Investing

Investing your money in a way which reflects your core values

Sustainable investing does not pose a binary choice, there are many ways you can invest your money for the greater good.

You may have seen the terms ‘Sustainable Investment’ or ‘Socially Responsible investment’ (SRI). These are both ways of describing the criteria a professional Fund Manager will use in order to screen out or select the companies they invest in within the fund they manage.

In recent years, investors have increasingly been demanding that their money is invested in ways that reflect their values. There is a realisation that a large number of small investors can drive companies to take steps to improve the environment and make a positive impact on society. However, investors also want to see a positive return for their investment. Sustainable – or SRI investing – aims to achieve both of these things.

Find out more about Sustainable Investing in our fact sheet.

If you have any questions about sustainable investing or financial planning in general please get in touch with a member of our team.

Please note that the information in this communication is for promotional use. Information correct as of October 2021.