Retirement planning

Helping you to reach your retirement goals

Coole Bevis Wealth Management has significant experience in retirement planning advice, whether you are in process of setting up your first plan, or whether you have reached retirement and want to understand the wide range of options available to you in terms of drawing your pension.

Sound retirement planning starts by taking some basic steps, such as:

  • Ensuring you have an idea of what income you require in retirement;
  • Understand at what age you might want to retire;
  • Considering whether you have suitable investments held inside your retirement planning products

Once we have an understanding of these points, we are able to consider your personal circumstances, look at your existing arrangements, before highlighting a suitable retirement planning strategy and demonstrating this plan through cash flow modelling.

Where it is appropriate to use a new, or alternative product, we will carry out research on the best available plan from the whole of the market before documenting our advice in a clear and constructive manner.

How we can help:

  • Work with you to understand and define your goals regarding you retirement and the income you require to meet your needs
  • Produce a cash flow to evidence whether your retirement assets are on target to give you the income you need
  • Review the performance of your existing retirement contracts
  • Ensure the level of investment risk within your retirement plans are suitable for your views and circumstances
  • Monitor yours plans against expected performance

Related services:

The value of investments can go down as well as up and you may get back less than the amount invested.
Cash flow modelling is not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

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